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2020/6/4 13:59:11发布166次查看
型号301-AP 订货号301-AP
货号301-AP 测量对象氧气、易燃及有毒气体

oxygen, toxic & combustible gas controller 301-ap 
honeywell 301c 氧气 有毒及易燃气体控制器-上海宛畅实业有限公司专业供应 
the 301c controller continuously monitors and controls toxic gases, combustible gases, and oxygen hazards. designed for installation and operational simplicity, the 301c reduces the cost of installation and ownership.
using an addressable rs-485 modbus communication protocol, the 301c uses daisy chain wiring requiring only 2 pairs of wires to connect up to 96 transmitters on the 3 input channels. this simplifies installation, in turn lowering costs. the 301c’s zoning and averaging abilities significantly reduce operational and maintenance costs.
note: non-branded versions of this product are available upon request.
user friendly
- zero maintenance
- automatic quick self-test and warm-up
- continuous alphanumeric display
safety measures
- full array of visual indicators and integrated 65dba alarm levels
- fully programmable relays (can be set as fail-safe or not)
inexpensive and reliable
- allows for up to 126 zoning groups which can save energy and extend fan and relay life
- low installation costs
- manages up to 180 events with programmable, latching alarms
beneficial options
- optional rugged industrial housing [aa96d]
- datalogging option
flexible operation
- modbus compatible; with bacnet/ip available
- programmable time delays
- integrated time clock enables scheduling of system operations
- interchangeable transmitters able to detect different gases
- expandable to up to 96 transmitters/relays
all commercial building areas requiring multi-point gas monitoring
intertek: ul 61010-1:2012 ed.3+r:29
california title 24 part 6 compliant
apr 2016 and csa c22.2#61010-1-12:2012
bacnet is a registered trademark of ashrae. ashrae does not endorse, approve or test products for compliance with ashrae standards. compliance of listed products to the requirements of ashrae standard 135 is the responsibility of bacnet international (bi).  btl is a registered trademark of bi.
301c gas controllers
301-c           301c controller, abs polycarbonate enclosure
301-c-dlc       301c controller with datalogger, abs polycarbonate enclosure
301-c-dlc-bip   301c controller with datalogger, bacnet/ip output, abs polycarbonate enclosure
301c24          controller, abs polycarbonate enclosure, title 24 compliant
301c24-dlc      controller w/datalogger, abs polycarbonate enclosure, title 24 compliant
301c24-dlc-bip  controller with/datalogger, bacnet/ip output, abs polycarb encl, title 24 compliant
301c gas controller interface modules
m-510392     ser 301c sd socket service tool
301-r8-fs    301-r8 relay module with 8 relays, failsafe
301-r8      301-r8 relay module with 8 relays
420-i      420i digital analog output converter, modbus rs-485 to 4-20ma
301-ap    301ap annunciator panel for 301c controller
301-adi    301-adi analog digital input converter (4-20ma to modbus rs-485) includes 16 analog inputs
          and 8 digital inputs
city of los angeles (cola) parking garage - co
the 301c has been certified by cola as an acceptable device for controlling gas detection systems in enclosed parking garage applications. use these order numbers for units
labeled in compliance with the cola requirements. all replacement parts are identical with those not bearing the cola labeling. recommended for use in combination with honeywell
e3point or sensepoint xcl as part of a complete cola-compliant system.
cola-compliant 301c gas controllers   order number
301-c-cola           301c controller, abs polycarbonate enclosure
301-c-dlc-cola       301c controller with datalogger, abs polycarbonate enclosure
301-c-dlc-bip-cola   301c controller with datalogger, bacnet/ip output, abs polycarbonate enclosure
301c24-cola          controller, abs polycarbonate enclosure, title 24 compliant
301c24-dlcbip-cola   controller with datalogger, abs polycarbonate enclosure, title 24 compliant
301c24-dlc-cola      controller with datalogger, bacnet/ip output, abs polycarb encl, title 24 compliant
公司依托国内外一批成熟大客户:中海油渤海钻井平台,山东瑞星化工,河北沙河电厂,pakistan national refinery limited,petro oil supply sdn bhd,thuso molosiwa botswana power corporation,巴西pampa1x345mw燃煤电站等,拥有一批非常优势的品牌资源.
主营:honeywell霍尼韦尔气体探测,micro motion艾默生高准质量流量计,罗斯蒙特变送器,霍尼韦尔控制系统与集成,燃烧控制产品,环境自控,阀门执行器、开关等。
联系电话:021-37824198 / 17740803693
qq:1093845670/1016549297 专业为您选型。

上海 上海 松江区 松江区广富林路4855弄大业领地11号楼1楼


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